What is Health
What is the Health
Health is a state of complete harmony of body ,mind and spirit when one who is free from the physical disabilities and mental distractions ,then the gate of soul open.
Health means one who is happy with himself .
Called sabastha means which is situated in itself .
In the Gita it is called Sthithaprajna.(Sthithapragya.
Keeping your body, mind and Spirit healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos (universe
Means five elements 1=Earth 2=Water 3=Air 4=Sky 5=Fire.
The most important time in the world is the time ,that you make for yourself .
To be joyful is the best thing ,you can do for yourself, and all around you,
Joyful human beings naturally strive to create wellbeing for everyone .
Thanks to all
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