What is spirituality
What is Spirituality
What it's meaning and science behind it.
Spirituality power pervades every aspect of life as the intelligence that nurtures and organizes all forms ,Atom to Cosmos .This power is yours to tap into .It comes from inside ,and nothing can stop it,Once you have found its source in true self .
PICK YOUR PRACTICE :- MEDITATE 15-30 Minute ,Start meditation by commenting on yourself.Yes, I will do this everyday.Not to get anything but to keep myself happy.
Way the creation is right now
Let's call a rock is solid object ,what you call as plant,animal or human ,what you reffer to is divine ,what is this.Every system in the world
has been trying to insist that everything is one energy .So what is happening this is,
FROM GROSS TO SUBTLER IS THE SAME THING. Whole creation is same,Gross to subtler is also same.
LIFE LIKE A PAINT BRUSH first thick than lighter and lighter then vanish .
That is the whole creation ,Everything functioning in same way,from gross to subtler .
Gross we can see and subtler reffer as divine that we can't see. But everything is functioning in the same ways,same pattern ,No matter how big or small .
This the human being has broken away from one level of existence (Gross) and not it reach the other (Subtler)
Out of his fear,out of his longing to survive .
He tense to make himself like a rock.But the moment like that,There is something with in him,which doesn't like it.
It want to go somewhere else to the subtler.
This is the struggle that human being going through.
Means Consciously build up with in yourself.
Who comes in touch with the spiritual experiences. Through contact,or any other ways.
The problem is,they unable to sustain it.
They go up there and collapse everything worse then before.
So it is always best that you don't jump in to bigger experiences, Its better you build a staircase (leader) and slowly climb,
So there is no falling down .
So keep doing yoga practices,it is slowly build you up. So without preparing your body,If you take this into very high level of energies.
SOMETHING CAN EASILY BREAK,you never handle it.
It is always best the system is prepared before big energy happend to the body .
So that when really big time energy happen.
You can take it well.
Slow and steady always wins the race.
Thanks to all
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