
How to harness the power of the mind.

When body and mind work well,Now gradually his efficiency will also increase.

The mind is connected with the body, First the body will work well only then.The mind will also work efficiently.

The body and mind work best when the stomach is empty.

You are completely healthy, what you eat gets digested well.  passes out of the body and the stomach remains empty.

Health is not something to be bought from outside.Very slowly it becomes yours from within.

The less and nutritious food you give to the body, the better the health of the body will be.

In the material word, look at the vehicles, the more fuel efficient the vehicle, the higher its demand.

Means the efficiency of this vehicle is very high.

The same thing is with our body and mind.The more good and nutritious food you give to the body, the more the efficiency of the body will increase.When the body gets more nutrition in less food, then it will work well.The body will have to work less and the efficiency of the mind will start increasing.

Those who know that I am not healthy.

My body and mind are not working well.

Those people can see by doing an experiment.

Anything light until 7:00 pm in the evening.  Have dinner.Meaning when you go to sleep your stomach should be empty, and you feel hungry

Many people will think that we will not be able to sleep but Will be able to sleep surely. Similarly, practice sleeping on an empty stomach.

Within 2 months, the 50% problems of your body will end. Like indigestion and formation of gas in the stomach.

50% of your stomach problems will end surely. 

In just 2 months your health will start improving and the brain will start working very well.

Is this the purpose of writing my blog,

Simply changing your lifestyle and enjoy the healthy and happy life.Without medicines.  Get happy and health life.

To change any position of the body.Like food is not being digested.

Gas is being produced in the don't feel well.

So it is necessary that the stomach should be kept empty first.Give light and nourishing food to the body.

Then the body will come out of that condition and come into a new condition.

To make any purification and change in the body, it is necessary to do this,

Purification is necessary at the level of cells.

If you don't do this your body will not let you do anything.

Your body will stand as an obstacle in your every work.

There are many reasons for this, the biggest reason is,

You are giving more to the body than what the body needs.Because we are told to eat properly, eat more, otherwise you will become weak.How much food your body accepts should be given in its account.Then the body will work well and the mind will also work well.

Then the body will work well and the mind will also work well.

The efficiency of vehicles with less engine consumption is very high.

The less and better food you give to this body, the more its working efficiency will increase.

In the same way as the body will work efficiently, it will ask for very less food.

When the body is not working efficiently it will ask for more food,Like old cars consume a lot of oil.

but very low efficiency

Health is not a big thing to be bought.

Health is born slowly within you.

What if you have some problem all the time?This means that the machine is not working properly.

you have to fix it. 

            Thanks to all




Health And Spirituality





PRANA SHAKTI (Cosmic Energy)



Biryani (Rice Ain-i-Akbari:)