Moringa oleifera is fast growing drought -resistance tree of the family moringaceae ,native to the Indian subcontinent ,common named include morninga ,drumstick tree and horseradish tree.
Benefit of moringa.....
Moringa leaves are antiseptic and fight off many bacterial infections .
Moringa has blood pressure lowering properties .
Moringa leaves have 7 times more vitamins C than orange.
Moringa leaves have 15 times more potassium than banana.
Moringa also contains vitamins B1,B2,B3,B6,B7,B12 A C K E and D.
Moringa aids in the treatment of digestive disorders such as
colitis and irritable bowel syndrome .
It is rich in vitamins B12 and D3 content that boost the immune system and aid in the treatment of age- related disorders .
It also has calcium ,protein ,iron and amino acids ,which help your body heal and build muscle .
It is also packed with antioxidants substances that can protect cells from damage and boost your immune system .
It can help prevent and treat chronic diseases like inflammatory diseases diabetes and cancer .
The benefits of moringa powder stem from its many plant based compounds .
Hyperglycemia is an early warning sign of diabetes .
While Hyperglycemia is a risk factor for heart diseases.
People may be less likely to develop stones in the kidney bladder and uterus .
If they ingest moringa extract.
Moringa contains high level of antioxidant ,That might aid toxicity levels in the kidneys.
Moringa has been shown to decrease markers of oxidative stress and improve blood glucose in .
Postmenopausal women .
Moringa has also been shown to improve thyroid health.
Which controles harmons related to energy,
Sleep and digestion .
Moringa has been shown to help support the liver, protect against damage and even repair functioning in damaged livers.
Moringa also supports brain health ,reduces inflammation throughout the body and detoxifys the body through the digestive system.
The study showed significant reductions in blood glucose level among those suffering from diabetes,
After consumption of moringa leaf,Tablets,capsules or powder that you find around you.
Confirming moringa use in the treatment of diabetic conditions .
The daily dose of moringa oleifera or drumsticks,
One tea spoon powder, or 3 capsules, or 3 tablets
A day to be taken before meals.Clinical studies describe the benefits of this supplement for doses ranging from 420 milligram to 2 grams daily to be adjusted according to age.
Moringa oleifera is often referred as a panacea and can be used to cure more than 300 diseases .
Moringa has long been used in Harbal medicine by Indians and Africans.
Indian prime minister Narendra modi ji claimed, He eats moringa leaves or drumsticks paratha twice a week to stay fit and healthy.
And advised his people to do the same as he celebrated the first anniversary of the Fit India Movement.
PM Modi even shared the recipe of moringa leaves or drumsticks parathas in nationwide online conference on Fit India movements .
Thanks to all
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