
Major raw materials required are crude Groundnut oil , crude Mustard oil ,             crude sesame oil .

The illegal refinery Process involves heating crude oil in metal container to make petroleum products .
Refining consists of heating the crude oil 107 to 188 degree Fahrenheit .
And mixing an alkaline substance such as SODIUM HYDROXIDE and SODIUM CARBONATE with it.
Soap forms from the undesired fatty acids and the alkaline additives .
And it is usually removed by centrifuge. 
Centrifuge means A machine with a part that turns round very quickly to separate substances Example liquid from solids by forcing the heavier substance to the outer edge.
Vegetable oil contains lecithin phospholipids and metals which are generally called because of their appearance mucilaginous gums. 
The process of elimination of the gum is called degumming.
These gums are natural emulsifiers that can cause an increase in viscosity .
Which is an important parameter the final product .
Because of  this physical problem ,It is important to perform the first step since high viscosity could create difficulties during the subsequents steps of filtrations,Depending on the raw oil .    These substances these substances are more or less common. So degumming is not an obligatory step.
It much defends on the value of lecithins of the source and the concentration of gums in raw oil. 
2..          DRY DEGUMMING 
This process is generally used   low phospholipids content is present, such as in coconut and in palm oil. Raw oil is mixed with a solution of citric acid, in order to coordinate metals and phospholipids. Usually, the mixture is sent directly to the bleaching treatment.

  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       In this process, the raw  oil is treated with a water solution of a chelating agent. Similarly to the previous treatment, the solution coordinates metals and phospholipids, however the chelating agent used, such as EDTA, is able to remove more than 90% of phosphorus content in the matrix such as rapeseed oil.

Also abbreviated as TOD, this is the traditional process where raw oil is treated with acid water and then treated with base, either in this step or during the neutralization.

In this process, it is used the ability of gums to form micelles, which are then separated using a process similar to ultrafiltration. Using this principle, it is possible to separate not only gums, but also other impurities, such as fatty acids, to limit further processes of the oil and reduce waste and energy to purify it. However, it is required the use of hexane to form the micelles, and in the processes in which is possible to avoid it, the flux is low, so it is not feasible on an industrial scale.

In this process enzymes, that are able to hydrolyze phospholipids, are added to the raw oil. With this method it is possible to avoid the use of high temperature and of acidic agents. However, the cost of enzymes and the necessity of different methods of separation represent big drawbacks of the process.

Neutralization consists in the removal of free fatty acids, which come from the partial natural hydrolysis of triglycerides. This is done or by steam stripping in the case of short fatty acids, such as in palm or coconut oil.Otherwise, pH is increased by adding a dilute solution sodium hydroxide or lime. The fatty acids are transformed in soaps, which are separated from the basic water phase, and submitted to a second treatment with hot water at 65-90 °C. The byproduct of this step is called soapstock.

In order to minimize soapstock, and the energy and base used in the process, different attempts were tried to improve the process. In membrane degumming, it was demonstrated that it is possible to separate some free fatty acids.
Another technology has evaluated the esterification of free fatty acids with glycerol, in order to re-obtain vegetable oil, both with metal catalysis or by using microorganisms. However, all these attempts resulted to be less convenient respect than the original neutralization process.


Winterization or dewaxing is a process in which oil is separated from waxes, tocopherols, and residual phospholipids, which may cause turbidity issues in the oil if they remain present in the final product. In a standard process, room temperature oil is blandly stirred while it slowly cooled down, in order to crystalize all the high melting temperature substances. The solids are then separated either by decantation, filtration, centrifugation, or other solid liquid separation techniques.
Since crystallization is a difficult process, and natural oils show different composition and botanical sources, different variants were developed, in which different temperatures, residence times are used and the presence or introductions of surfactants, phospholipids or organic solvents are employed to optimize the separation.


Raw oil contains various pigments such as chlorophylls, carotenoids, xanthophyll, etc., which can cause problems with subsequent treatments or can color the final product during storage. This process aims to remove them using bleaching earth, which is a class of acidic clay that is capable to absorb oil's pigments and also metals. This process can be performed after or before winterization.
Oil is mixed with this earth in 0.2-2% weight ratio, then vacuum is applied and the suspension is heated at 70-140 °C to both improve the decomposition of fatty acid peroxides and the absorption of the pigment. After that, the oil is passed through a filter press.          It is also possible to treat oil with silica to improve purification and metals removal.


During the last steps of refining process, the oil is stripped with vapor at a high temperature to remove all of the remaining unpleasant odors and flavors present in it. This step removes residual fatty acids, sterols, and other unsaponifiable substances. Usually, 270 °C vapor is used, but an inferior temperature could be applied if the oil has low odor content and if vacuum is applied. No alternative processes are considered currently.

As a final step before conservation, another filtration is performed, similar to the one performed on wine. This is done to remove final residual impurities in the oil and to improve the final appearance.
We get refined oil after passing through so many chemicals and such a huge process.

our mustard oil is the best,There are neither so many chemicals nor so many processes in it,
Go to any oil mill and you will easily get pure mustard oil!

The name of my blog  is Health and Specialty.
In this, everything is being written keeping health in front.
           Thanks to all 



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