Millets are a group of cereal grains that belong to the Poaceae family, commonly known as the grass family, It's widely consumed in developing countries throughout Africa and Asia. While it may look like a seed, millet's nutritional profile is similar to that of sorghum and other cereals.

Millet is one of the oldest cultivated grains in the world and has been grown throughout Africa and Southeast Asia for thousands of years. Millet can be used to make bread, beer, cereal, and other dishes. Even today, millet is a staple food around the world.

The most popular Indian millet is Pearl millet called Bajra in Hindi and the second most widely grown millet in India is foxtail millet, called Kangni or Kakum in Hindi. Other popular millets are Sorghum, called Jowar and Finger millet called Ragi or Nachni in Hindi.



1...Sorghum Millet  (Jowar)

2...Proso Millet (Chena /Barri

3...Pearl Millet (Bajra)

4...Foxtail Millet (Kakum / Kangni)

5...Finger Millet (Ragi)

6...Browntop Millet (Korle)                  7...Barnyard Millet (Sanwa)

8...Little Millet (Moraiyo)

Millets and its Health Benefits   *********************

Millet is a good source of protein, fiber, key vitamins, and minerals. The potential health benefits of millet include protecting cardiovascular health, preventing the onset of diabetes, helping people achieve and maintain a healthy weight, and managing inflammation in the gut. Millet is an adaptable grain.

1..Pearl Millet: Good for Insomnia. ...                   2..Kodo Millet: Good for Diabetics.

Millet is lower on the glycemic index (GI) than many other grains. That means it raises your blood sugar slowly and gradually instead of in quick spikes. High-fiber, low-GI foods keep blood sugar steady, lower cholesterol, and help you lose weight. All of these things are helpful for people with diabetes.

3..Foxtail Millet: Good for Thyroid.

Pearl millet is a type of millet that is rich in C-glycosylflavones, which was shown to have similar activities to methimazole in animal studies. In vitro studies in rats, C-glycosylflavones inhibited 85% of Thyroid Peroxidase enzyme.

4..Sorghum: Improves Digestive Health and Prevents Cancer. ...

5..Barnyard Millet: Good for Weight Loss. 

With close to 22% of fibre content, millets are far ahead of most of the cereal making them ideal for those who want to lose their weight. Additionally, the bioactive compounds and antioxidants in them, help you lose weight.

6..Little Millet: An Indispensable Good Fat,

Millet is a naturally low-fat food. A one-cup serving contains only 1.7 grams of fat. Most of the fat is polyunsaturated (0.9 grams), with some coming from monounsaturated fat (0.3 grams) and some from saturated fat (0.3 grams).

7..Proso Millet: Balance Blood Sugar.

8...Millet is a great choice for people with kidney disease as it is high in antioxidants. It has little to no phytase activity, meaning a minimal amount of phosphorus is likely to be absorbed when eaten.

Nutrition is an essential factor in maintaining the bone mass, particularly vegetable consumption. Several millet grains also have a very high nutritive value, and among them, finger millet (Eleusine coracana, ragi in Hindi) is rich in calcium, protein, and essential amino acids.

Millets are a good source of fibre. So, it can cause gas for people who generally have low fibre intake.

They are good sources of proteins, fibers and iron content. They are also good sources of polyphenols, flavonoids and other phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory effects. This case study aims to show that eating millets twice a day for breakfast and dinner helps to lose weight.

      Thanks to all 




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