AUTOPHAGY (16Hrs)


Autophagy is the natural, conserved degradation of the cell that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components through a lysosome-dependent regulated mechanism. It allows the orderly degradation and recycling of cellular components.

A process by which a cell breaks down and destroys old, damaged, or abnormal proteins and other substances in its cytoplasm (the fluid inside a cell).

1. consumption of the body’s own tissue as a metabolic process occurring in starvation and certain diseases.

"the process of starvation-induced autophagy was recently the focus of extensive research"

• destruction of damaged or redundant cellular components occurring in vacuoles within the cell.

Activate Autophagy


“Fasting is [the] most effective way to trigger autophagy.A diet high in fat and low in carbs brings the same benefits of fasting without fasting, like a shortcut to induce the same beneficial metabolic changes, 

  Benefits of fasting 16 hours........

If you don't eat for 10–16 hours, your body will go to its fat stores for energy, and fatty acids called ketones will be released into the bloodstream. This has been shown to protect memory and learning functionality, says Mattson, as well as slow disease processes in the brain.

Autophagy can help remove cellular waste and keep genes stable within a cell. It may also help get rid of aging cells and decrease inflammation in the body.

The liver helps by converting non-carbohydrate materials like lactate, amino acids, and fats into glucose energy. Because our bodies conserve energy during fasting, our basal metabolic rate (the amount of energy our bodies burn while resting) becomes more efficient, thereby lowering our heart rate and blood pressure.

Healing rejuvenation.


Fasting puts your body through a rejuvenation experience. It dissolves diseased cells, leaving only healthy tissue. There's also a noticeable redistribution of nutrients in the body.

In simple words, you have to follow the DIP DIET.

In the DIP DIET,

Dinner should be done by 7:00 pm.

The next day from morning till 12:00 you have to eat only fruit and salad.

If your body weight is 70 kg then you have to eat 700 grams of fruit and salad only.

This will be your 16 hour fast. food will be digested in the first 8 hours.

After this, the inside is cleaned for 2 hours.

After this, in the next 6 hours, the Autophagy method is activated.

Autophagy means 


our bodies need to eat all the time when you're not eating up.

Then our life force searches out the deposit of fat, protein, minerals and cholesterol.

Breaking all these, Body takes out the things body needs.

Kicks everyone else out from the body. 

With this action, all the dirt accumulated in the body gets cleaned.

It is a system made by God.

            Thanks to all 



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