
Many cases of tiredness are due to stress, not enough sleep, poor diet and other lifestyle factors.

Feeling overtired, with low energy and a strong desire to sleep that interferes with normal daily activities.

Lack of physical or mental energy. Inability to stay awake or alert. Accidentally falling asleep,

People with exhaustion may also experience headaches, muscle soreness, problems concentrating, mood swings, and even difficulty sleeping.

Stress can affect your energy levels, making you feel sleepy.

Foods boost your energy 



• Unprocessed foods.

• Fruits and vegetables.

• Non-caffeinated beverages.

• Lean proteins.

• Whole grains and complex carbs.

• Nuts.

• Water.

• Vitamins and supplements.

Source of energy 


This energy comes from the food we eat. Our bodies digest the food we eat by mixing it with fluids (acids and enzymes) in the stomach. When the stomach digests food, the carbohydrate (sugars and starches) in the food breaks down into another type of sugar, called glucose.

 Main energy systems


Three metabolic pathways generate the energy required to perform an exercise: the phosphagen pathway, the glycolytic pathway, and the oxidative pathway, together known as the energy systems.



You too can become the master of inexhaustible energy.

First you have to know where your energy is being wasted.

God gave a lot of energy to every living being.

You see the wild animals and birds.

You roam around bouncing all day .Never gets tired..

Small children walk all day long but do not get tired,

they all don't get tired,

We are human beings of civilized society.

We are making some mistake who get tired very quickly.

Then to increase this energy, we have to take tea, cigarettes etc.

Today's society has learned to live with very less energy.We have adopted the wrong lifestyle.

The first reason for the tiredness of the body is our mind.

We do not do our work with love.

if you are not happy with your job,Don't you do your work with love?

Our work is being done considering it as a compulsion.

So you will get tired very quickly.

After working for a while you will be tired, Then you need tea and coffee to increase energy.

After playing for 4 hours in childhood,Our energy level did not decrease but increased further.

We all used to play hungry with love, there was no compulsion.

By doing any work with love and affection.

You will not feel tired even after working for a long time.

Another reason for tiredness is our eating habits.

We keep on eating something or the other throughout the day.

The energy that you have received from the Cosmos ,

All that energy is used to digest your food.

For this reason, your mind and body get very less energy.

Due to less energy in the body, you will do little work, And you will get tired then you will get tea and coffee,

We do not have Energy to work in our body, yet we are getting it done vigorously.

For this reason the body slowly starts breaking down.

You follow the DIP diet in a simple way.

Within a few days, you will see that your energy level will start increasing.

Would you eat less animal food?The less fast food you will eat.

That much your energy will start saving.

It will give more energy to your body and mind.

Simple formula Energy will not be spent quickly in the stomach.Your mind body will get energy.

Slowly you will forget, what is tiredness.

How Much juice,Fruit and Nuts Would You Eat?

The more energy your body and mind will get.

Don't listen to me, you have to try it.

After a few days, the enjoyment of living will be different.

            Thanks to all 



Health And Spirituality





PRANA SHAKTI (Cosmic Energy)



Biryani (Rice Ain-i-Akbari:)