Increase Human Power

      Increase Human power


The fundamental mistake that modern medicine systems have made is kind of absolutism about health that this health and this is not health. 

Now they tell you ,your blood chemistry must be this than you are healthy. 

 Most of you may fit in that parameters But still not be healthy .

Because Health is a certain reverberanc .

It is not absolutism .Because many things can fluctuate within the system ,without you being unhealthy.Or many things can be stable without you being healthy. 

What the Neem does in your system?....

It will clean your elementary track clean. 

This is the region the whole digestive process is a region. 

Where you have maximum amount of other life.

These microorganisms can do more to you, see right now the virus corona it is like a ghost , Because you can not see it.Those who got  infected ,unfortunately those who lost their lives. 

Did they see the virus  coming 

Its coming to you,But you can't see it coming .

With in this alimentary tract there whole host of micooganisums. Many of them have turned friendly to us,we are living  because of them because we are able to digest food because of them. 

Many many function in the body happen because of them. .

But still there are many,who are harm to us.

The uniqueness of Neem especially when it is taken along with turmeric .

If these two things go together ,Largely those things are not necessary for the body ,that which can harm the body, Any kind of parasital life ,which is there .

All these things get eliminated

A clean colon is very important for health. 

If you go to see our consult any traditional doctor like an Ayurveda doctor .

What ever your health problem. First thing  they will purge you.Becouse they want your colon clean .

For your physical and psychological health ,They want your colon clean. 

If you become little more conscious about how to eat.

What happens in your body,what happens in your mind can be greatly influenced. 

For example.....

If you build any structure there is an architecture      design .But there is also a part where the quality of material,execution,efficiency of execution are involved. 

Just because the design is great,it doesn't mean the building will turn out great. 

The quality of material that goes into the making and who makes it,makes a world of difference. 

That goes for this also ,with this the design is perfect ,so what it took millions and millions years to perfect this design. The whole EVOLUTION ARY  process took that long to arrive at this design,

But this design has been worked upon for millions of years. And it's arrived at this place which is extraordinary design. 

But execution and the material that you use to build this is very important too.

So what kind of food you put in ,it's not just about the culture .culture might have evolved according to the survival needs of that place. 

Culture in  different parts of the world have evolved .

What was available in the place.and survival needs ,How the economy were,what was happening what was the main form of life hood,Accordingly culture evolved. Culture are never perfect.

Unfortunately people get super identified with this and think there culture is perfect. 

No culture in the world is perfect ,Because the mess that you do in this generation is tomorrow's culture. 

And you think you are doing this mess very consciously .

No it's just happening, whatever rubbish you do day next generation picks it up or rejects it and does the reverse of  it whatever .

But it is the consequence of this generation's culture, 

Which breeds the next generation of culture. 

So culturally what you are eating  it is not the point ,

What goes best in the system 

What is this machine designed for  what kind of fuel (food)

Knowing This is very important so if you look at this, look at it this way ,keeping the body in a certain level of balance and the efficiency of digestive processes very important. 

How much food do you need to maintain the level of activity ,you wish to maintain in your life.

We are talking about the fuel efficiency  for all our  auto- mobiles.Today's vehicles are sleeker and lightweight,why one important aspect is that fuel efficiency. To travel a mile  how much are you consuming. 

Well we are thinking ecological terms. Think in terms of you health terms.

That is to process let us say one unit energy ,How much food do you have to eat 

Means that much excessive load on the system. 

So if you don't have your own sense.Every day in the morning if eat little bit of Neem and Turmeric on an empty stomach. And drink some Slight hot water with one teaspoon Honey. 

It will bring the sense to you ,

Because body will respond to food in a certain way ,it will tell you when its enough.

You are not able to figure it out yourselfBut every cell in  the will speak.

Because Neem and Turmeric together creates a certain access to the cellular level .that when you generate energy  How it is how distribution of energy happens .

Which in an automobile is called transmission determines how efficient a vehicle  is.and how much fuel it consumes  to generate same amont of power,Power In the engine is one thing and power at the wheels is another thing .

Completely different 

Today top racing machines in the world are just 2.7 liter. that's a cap they have set for the formula 1s.

But they are fastest machines 

Because the power  at the engine and power at the wheels , The loss is very  very low.

Well we have Pickup trucks here,which generate 700 bhp

At the engine ,But what goes to the wheel is another matter.

So there is something called transmission .

So what you generate in your stomach, where all does it go to what extent does it go is very  very important aspect .

Which in today's world ,people are simply not concious of,if you want to facilitate this,well there are yogic practices .

But even to assist that, This neem and turmeric  can be a tremendous process .Because it facilitates that.

That your transmission of energy is evenly across. 

And once you start noticing this,then by choice ,than you can move your energy where you want. 

When I say you can move your energy  where you want .

Right now I want to speak ,if I have my energies focused in my throat consciously ,it may happen to whole lot of singers and others. Just you know by nature inter  you know inclination .

But if you are consciously there you will see your speech 

Will have a different kind of impact ,if you look at something if you move your energies to your eyes .

Not that everything the dominance is in that place. Than you will see your look has a power, which everybody has eyes maybe they are twenty twenty. So your vision may be normal .

But does not have the same power ,will not grasp the same things ,will not penetrate the same way. Like this there are various aspects .

You want to do something with your hands ,if you can have your energies focused in your hands .

Your touch will be another level .

So if this has to happen ,first and foremost thing is The transmission of energy in the system is smooth .

Neem and turmeric as a combination on the empty stomach does wonders in this direction .

 There are other dimensions to this. If we use neem and turmeric on an empty stomach one aspect is It has the power to transform one dimension of energy with in you to another ,

The doctor says that if you consum excessive neem,it will destroy the sperm cells.

Which is good proof for what we have been saying for thousands of years  that is see there are various kinds of cells 


So neem and turmeric together has power to break down the sperm cells and make it into another level of energy .

Which is called Ojas


When every cell in your body 

Slowly gets wrapped in Ojas.

When every cell in the body is encapsulated in Ojas.


In every aspect of that word you will be a glowing human being with in or without you will be like that,this is something every body needs. To work at because this is not enlightenment .This is you created a platform upon which nothing can go wrong .

Body and mind are platforms ,how you function on it.But having a perfect platform which doesn't throw you off is important. 

This body is a platform ,mind is a platform ,if you make it very energetic and stable.then exuberance and stability .

In this direction neem and turmeric are very important elements. So there are many many aspects to this in terms of both physiological and psychological help.

That your body not like fill body like this,every cell in the body should have Ojas.

The protective layer of Ojas.

Then you live diseases free ,

You live trouble free.

Above all you will remain exuberant and stable same time .

You will see the human being becoming more and more unstable ,as chemicals uses increases . Those who are eating foods,which are grown with excessive chemical uses. 

There is chemicals in the air,chemicals in the water .

Today you know you have chlorine in your water. 

Because unconscious ways of existence is taking a huge toll on humanity.  So moving towards conscious life.There many tools and supports. 

Right now there is a platform upon which you have a discretionary mind and you can decide ,Once you loose this,you have no discretion .

Than nature will decide what should happen to you .

As it was for other creatures ,nature decides what should happens to them.

You have come to a  space ,where you can decide ,what should happen to you. Once again once you loss your body,then nature decides what should happen to you. 

I can decide how to sit,how to breathe ,how to think, how to feel and what to do with this life,This is the greatest privilege that human beings has.

Spirituality is not about to going heaven, it is about to making this into  a heaven .

Love is in the air so what,core of universe is love some people are saying. 

It may be anywhere makes no difference .

When it's in your heart makes a world of difference 

           Thanks to all



Health And Spirituality