
Meat Non-veg production contributes significantly to the acceleration of global climate change by adding a large quantity of greenhouse gases (GHG), i.e. mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), to the environment.

Meat consumption is responsible for releasing greenhouse gases such as methane, CO2, and nitrous oxide. These gases contribute to climate change, such as global warming. Livestock farming contributes to these greenhouse gases in several ways: The destruction of forest ecosystems.

Meat production is the single biggest cause of deforestation globally. To make room for grazing pastures and cropland, natural forests and grasslands are destroyed. In destroying forests to produce industrial meat, billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) are released into the atmosphere each year.

 world wide non-vegetarian.


74% of the world's population "Regularly eat both animal and non-animal products", 14% "Only occasionally eat meat or fish", and 3% "Do not eat meat but do eat fish". Only 3% are vegan, i. e. eat no animal products at all.

pork is the most widely eaten meat in the world (36%) followed by poultry (33%), beef (24%), and goats/sheep (5%).

Meat industry destroying the planet. .......

What's more, the global meat industry now accounts for 60% of greenhouse gas emissions from food production, which itself contributes 37% of total emissions – creating even greater imbalances in our planetary environment.

Cows and other dairy animals emit huge amounts of methane, which is about 25 times more damaging to the climate than carbon dioxide. Producing animal feed also contributes to global warming, and animal waste can impact water and air quality.

Burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock are increasingly influencing the climate and the earth's temperature. This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Air Pollution


Most air pollution is created by people, taking the form of emissions from factories, cars, planes, or aerosol cans. Second-hand cigarette smoke is also considered air pollution.   Indian cities, a major part of air pollution is sourced, all year around, from burning of diesel, petrol, gas, coal, biomass, and waste and resuspended dust. 

including: Agriculture runoff - carrying fertilizers, pesticides/insecticides/herbicides and other pollutants into water bodies such as lakes, rivers, ponds).

  These man-made sources of pollution are called anthropogenic sources.

One of the biggest environmental problems today is outdoor air pollution.  4.2 to 7 million people die from air pollution worldwide every year and that nine out of 10 people breathe air that contains high levels of pollutants.

Global warming stresses ecosystems through temperature rises, water shortages, increased fire threats, drought, weed and pest invasions, intense storm damage.

Beef has the highest carbon footprint of any food. 

Meat—particularly beef—drives climate change in two ways: first, through cows' emission of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and second, by destroying forests as they are converted to grazing land.meat-eating as one of the biggest environmental hazards facing the Earth.


Long-term health effects from air pollution include heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases such as emphysema. Air pollution can also cause long-term damage to people's nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs. Some scientists suspect air pollutants cause birth defects.

Eating meat regularly increases a person's risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, pneumonia and other serious illnesses, research has found. It is already known that intake of red and processed meat heightens the risk of being diagnosed with bowel cancer.

Research shows that people who eat red meat are at a higher risk of death from heart disease, stroke or diabetes.The most well-known illnesses caused because of it are heart ailments, hypertension, kidney issue, bother bladder issues, wounds in supply routes, dermatitis, loss of motion, tuberculosis, stoppage, torments, joint inflammation, craziness and so on.

The disadvantage is animals are injected with antibodies and several hormones such as estrogen, testosterone to boost their growth.

How much CO2 does a vegetarian save?.......

So saving a tonne of carbon dioxide is great but switching to vegetarianism or veganism can save even more. A Western standard meat-based diet produces about 7.2 kilograms of CO₂ equivalent per day, while a vegetarian diet produces 3.8 kg and a vegan diet 2.9 kg.

By choosing a vegetarian diet instead of one loaded with animal products, individuals can dramatically reduce the amount of land, water, 

Healthy vegetarian diets support a lifetime of good health and provide protection against numerous diseases and the three biggest killers – heart disease, cancer and strokes. The risk of developing heart disease among meat-eaters is 50 per cent higher than it is among vegetarians.

Top 10 polluters of world 


• China, with more than 10,065 million tons of CO2 released.

• United States, with 5,416 million tons of CO2.

• India, with 2,654 million tons of CO2.

• Russia, with 1,711 million tons of CO2.

• Japan, 1,162 million tons of CO2.

• Germany, 759 million tons of CO2.

• Iran, 720 million tons of CO2.

Earth's temperature has risen by an average of 0.14° Fahrenheit (0.08° Celsius) per decade since 1880, or about 2° F in total. The rate of warming since 1981 is more than twice as fast: 0.32° F (0.18° C) per decade.Dropping the 1.5C limit for a higher one would dramatically increase the risks of food and water shortages, conflict, deadly extreme weather and other crises.

today the planet is warming much faster than it has over human history. Global air temperatures near Earth's surface have gone up about 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the last century.

If the global temperature will cross 3 degrees 

The whole earth will be destroyed.Young generation be careful.

        Thanks to all 



Health And Spirituality