
In my Forty three years living experiences on this planet that rivers never flows in reverse.

Similarly, water also flows downwards.

Whenever you want to change its direction, you will have to make some arrangements.

By not making any arrangements, The direction in which the water was flowing.It will continue to flow in the same direction.

Because God's made nature 99% runs on auto pilot mode.

Your right is an offer of one percent, which you can do after thinking carefully.

Human body is also a wonderful creation of God.

God provided us such a sophisticated body.

Our body also runs on 99% auto pilot mode.

watch your body and observe carefully,

99% of our body's activity is happening on auto pilot mode only.Human beings have been given rights only on one percent.

Man is using 99% of even one percent without thinking.

Birds and animals are also running 99% on autopilot mode in nature.

They use their one percent very thoughtfully and Carefully. 

For example.... Take a Desi cow and leave it in any garden,Look at that Desi cow carefully.

She won't eat everything.  Will eat some things selectively.

Means some thinking understands what is good for me, what is not good?

Just look at today's human beings. This mankind is eating anything without thinking.

99% of the food items that are being sold in the markets.

1...It is made of flour.(Flour sticks in the intestines of our stomach.

maida is only used in india.it is banned in Euro,China 

maida contains alloxan, which itself is banned in a lot of countries .

Consuming MAIDA or White Flour increase their risk for weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and elevated cholesterol.

increase in blood sugar caused by refined carbohydrates can lead to inflammation in blood vessels and arteries and an increase in cholesterol. Eating a lot of carbohydrates including refined flour can cause cardiovascular disease, which can ultimately cause death.

Everyone knows these things but has forgotten the taste of the tongue

2...Food items are cooked in refined oil.(Refined oil is made after passing through many chemical processes.

Gravy made in hotel restaurant!Never fresh.  would have been made a couple of days ago.

You don't know whether the food being served to you is fresh or not?

You can only taste the spices.

You don't know whether the food served to you is made of oil, is it good or not?

Any cold pressed oil is better for cooking.

we are eating anything without thinking,We don't even think about purity.

Religion is a very distant thing.

If you protects Dharma, then Dharma will surely protect you too!.

Everyone knows these things but has forgotten the taste of the tongue.

3..All the cooking utensils are of low quality aluminum.

Any food when cooked in aluminum utensils.98% of the nutrition in that food dies.Only two percent remain.

That's why a person keeps on eating throughout the day .

But the body does not get satisfaction, that is why it gets intoxicated.That is why one smokes cigarettes along with drinking tea.Even after eating a full meal, the desire to eat something else remains.

But drinks alcohol before dinner.

The one who is eating while intoxicated is not aware of it.  Does it have nutritional value or not?

Nowadays humans are eating anything for the taste of the tongue.Doesn't even think that what is good for his body, what is bad.

Everyone knows these things but has forgotten the taste of the tongue.

Our breathing is on auto pilot mode,Our breath is running on its own.It depends on us how to breathe?We do not do even this much work after thinking.

Look at the newborn baby carefully.

He is breathing through his navel in auto pilot mode.He doesn't understand anything about breath yet, 

His body is doing deep breathing naturally.Now pay attention to your breath.

Your breath is going up to your chest and coming back.

Its called shallow breathing.

We have been cut off from NATURE, that is why this is happening to us.

How connect with Nature 


Sit comfortably in any position,Keep your spine straight.By raising your hands upwards.Now take a deep breath.

And watch carefully, your breath is going up to the navel.

Once again put your hands downward and 

Fill every breath, you will see that it will remain till the chest only.

You have to take long breaths after thinking carefully.

And you will connect with nature.

With this experiment of a few days, you will see that your energy level will increase a lot.

How was the life behind that has passed?

Learn to live the rest of your life thoughtfully.

              Thanks to all 



Health And Spirituality





PRANA SHAKTI (Cosmic Energy)



Biryani (Rice Ain-i-Akbari:)