When does old age come?( Gerontology )

       When does old age come?



Old age is the range of ages nearing and surpassing the life expectancy of human beings; it is the last stage of the human life cycle.

Old age is not a definite biological stage: the chronological age denoted as "old age"

Old age cannot be universally defined because it is context-sensitive.                                    .Gerontologists have recognized that people experience very different conditions as they approach old age. Many people in their 60s and 70s are still fit, active, and able to care for themselves.

With age, bones tend to shrink in size and density, weakening them and making them more susceptible to fracture. You might even become a bit shorter. Muscles generally lose strength, endurance and flexibility — factors that can affect your coordination, stability and balance.

When the grease ends in the bones, then old age comes.

When there is discomfort in getting up, sitting and bending, then old age comes.

If back pain and knee pain starts then understand old age

50 years ago from now, humans can even last for 80 years Human bones used to function properly.

He could handle himself as well as others.

A lot of progress has been made in science now.

The facilities that we are getting in the present time.It was not even available to the earlier king and emperor.then why so many problems.

Premature aging, loss of bone grease.Support of others at the age of 50.

Synovial fluid is the essential lubricant that cushions the joints so that the bones do not rub together.

Reason of end grease in joints


1..Fracture of bone due to injury.

2..Excess body weight.

3..Being constipated.

4..Habit of eating food quickly.

5..Excessive consumption of fast food.

6..Eating more fried things.

7..Eating food cooked with refined oil.

8..Habit of drinking water while standing.

9..Lack of calcium in the body.

10..Because of staying awake till late night.

11..Because of too much walking.

12..Long journeys by vehicle.

13..Also due to stopping the velocity of stool and urine.

14..Due to the body being very weak.

Ayurvedic treatment 




Ashwagandha powder 100 grams.

Acacia pod powder.(Babul ki phali).

Dry ginger powder 100grams.

Turmeric powder 100 grams.

fenugreek seeds powder 100grams. 

Keep all these five in a glass vial.

One teaspoonful with warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. 

Remember, the glass container for keeping the powder should also be air tight.

         Massage oil Formula 


Pour 1 liter sesame oil in an iron pan and heat it.

Castor leaves powder 100gm

Flaxseed powder 100gm.

Garlic 100gm.

Cook it for 10 minutes on low flame.

Then filter it and fill it in a glass bottle.

Massage with this for 10:10 minutes in the morning and evening.

Remember the oil vessel should be air tight.

This formula will cure your knee pain and joint grease problems within 2 months.

           Thanks to all 



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