

 A mineral needed for healthy teeth, bones, and other body tissues. It is the most common mineral in the body.                                            A deposit of calcium in body tissues, Your body needs calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between your brain and every part of your body.                                 Calcium also helps blood vessels move blood throughout your body and helps release hormones that affect many functions in your body. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium.

 Calcium is a chemical element with the symbol Ca and atomic number 20. As an alkaline earth metal, calcium is a reactive metal that forms a dark oxide-nitride layer when exposed to air. Its physical and chemical properties are most similar to its heavier homologues strontium and barium.



People commonly take calcium by mouth for the treatment and prevention of low calcium levels, muscle cramps, osteoporosis, softening of the bones, and PMS. It is also used for high blood pressure, cancer, stroke, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support many of these other uses.

Calcium has been shown to play a significant role in our sleep cycles, particularly the REM stage of sleep.

Calcium helps build strong bones. Women and children both need to get enough calcium. Calcium is very important for growing children. Up to 90% of bone mass development happens in childhood and teenage years.

More than 99 percent of the body's calcium is contained in the bones and teeth.



The main cause of low blood calcium levels is having the parathyroid glands in your neck removed. This might be necessary for some types of cancer in the neck area. It can also happen if the parathyroid glands are damaged during thyroid gland surgery. Or during other types of surgery to the head and neck.

If levels of calcium are low for long periods, people may develop dry scaly skin, brittle nails, and coarse hair. Muscle cramps involving the back and legs are common.

Hypocalcemia, also known as calcium deficiency disease, occurs when the blood has low levels of calcium. A long-term calcium deficiency can lead to dental changes, cataracts, alterations in the brain, and osteoporosis, which causes the bones to become brittle.

Chronic calcium deficiency can result in rickets, osteoporosis, and osteopenia, as well as disruptions in the metabolic rate and normal function of other bodily processes.

. If left untreated, severe hypocalcemia can cause life-threatening complications such as seizures and congestive heart failure.

Lower amounts of vitamin D make your body's calcium absorption levels drop. This usually happens if you are malnourished or do have enough sun exposure in your life. Kidney issues. Having any sort of renal failure or kidney disease constantly drains the levels of calcium in your blood..



Serum calcium is a blood test to measure the amount of calcium in the blood. Serum calcium is usually measured to screen for or monitor bone diseases or calcium-regulation disorders (diseases of the parathyroid gland or kidneys).



• Seeds. Seeds are tiny nutritional powerhouses, and many are high in calcium, including poppy, sesame, celery, and chia seeds. ...

• Cheese. Most cheeses are excellent sources of calcium. 

• Almonds. .

• Dark-green leafy vegetables, dried peas and bean                                  




Limestone proves to be a boon for all these diseases.

increase blood flow to the back to reduce pain

Calcium carbonate supplements

Calcium carbonate supplements tends to be the best value, because they contain the highest amount of elemental calcium (about 40% by weight). Because calcium carbonate requires stomach acid for absorption, it's best to take this product with food.

The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. Without enough vitamin D, one can't form enough of the hormone calcitriol (known as the “active vitamin D”). This in turn leads to insufficient calcium absorption from the diet.

Health benefits of calcium


• Bone up on calcium to prevent osteoporosis. ...

• Calcium will keep you slim and trim. ...

• Kick PMS to the curb with calcium. ...

• Calcium may combat cancer. ...

• Calcium is heart-healthy — in moderation.




Calcium supplements may increase the incidence of constipation, severe diarrhea, and abdominal pain. It highlights that calcium carbonate is more often associated with gastrointestinal side effects, including constipation, flatulence, and bloating.

Calcium supplement tablets have glycerine, which can be extracted from soy or palm but is usually taken from animal tallow (animal fat).

As coral calcium supplements are derived from animals, they are not considered vegetarian.

calcium tablets made from dead animals' bones.

Medications may contain animal byproducts that are important for their effectiveness or production. 

Traditional capsules are principally made from gelatin, which is a common ingredient in medicines and food products formed by boiling the skin and bones of cows and pigs. 

The source of gelatins is usually from porcine and bovine(cows and pigs).

Gelatin is a protein made from the skins and bones of pigs and cows. 

These are all synthetic forms of calcium that could damage your long-term health. Most calcium supplements do very little to protect bones and can actually increase risk for heart disease.

Natural Limestone is a great boon to mankind.

To meet the deficiency of calcium from the human body.


           Thanks to all



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