FICUS  RELIGIOSA TREE                    *****

The peepal tree, also called Ficus religiosa,

The ficus tree is a type of fig tree in the Moraceae family of flowering plants. Native to Asia and the Mediterranean region, the ficus tree features dark green leaves and thin stems.

This is a huge tree growing to 60 feet tall and 60 to 70 feet wide (Fig. 1). The dense, rounded canopy and gracefully drooping branches of Weeping Fig made it quite popular as a landscape tree until recently.

With its glossy leaves and light gray trunk, the ficus tree, or weeping fig, is a pretty, graceful plant that's been popular for decades.

Ficus tree is very effective at purifying the air in your home. 

Ficus love bright, indirect sunlight and lots of it. Your plant will enjoy spending time outside during the summer,

peepal tree gives oxygen at night too. Native to India, the peepal tree is considered one of the holy trees that treat asthma and constipation. Peepal tree gives oxygen 24 hours

Ficus religiosa (L.), commonly known as pepal belonging to the family Moraceae, is used traditionally as antiulcer, antibacterial, antidiabetic, in the treatment of gonorrhea and skin diseases.

the leaf juice of the peepal tree may be helpful for cough, asthma, diarrhoea, ear pain, toothache, haematuria (blood in urine), migraine, scabies, eye troubles, and gastric problems.

The “Brahma Purana” also claims that Lord Vishnu was born under a Peepal Tree, so the “Peepal tree” also represents Lord Vishnu. 

According to Shastras, worshipping a peepal tree brings all devi-devtas' blessings. Even though all days are good for worship, doing so on Sunday brings poverty into the home. Worshipping peepal on Sunday reduces and depletes sources of revenue.



The shape of  Ficus religiosa (Peepal) leaf is like a heart.



Take 10 leaves of Peepal.

Cut off its trunk and its mouth.

Start boiling it in 400 grams of water.

When the water remains one hundred grams.

After having breakfast, drink it slowly like tea.

This will eliminate all the problems of the heart.

Have to drink continuously for 15 days then skip 3 days,

Then starting only for 15 days.

All heart problems will end.

  Asthmatic/ Bronchitis disease




A condition in which a person's airways become inflamed, narrow and swell and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe.



inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes.  It typically causes bronchospasm and coughing.



Take dried leaves of Peepal.

Cut of its trunk and mouth. 

Making powder of dried leaves and filling it in a glass container.

Half teaspoon dried leaves,

One spoon pure honey.Mix the powder of Peepal leaves in one spoon of honey.

and eat it thrice in the morning, afternoon and night.

Asthma problem will end in 1 week.

         Jaundice disease.


Yellow skin caused by the build-up of bilirubin in the blood.

Jaundice may occur if the liver can't efficiently process red blood cells as they break down. 



Green leaves of Peepal 15 pieces.Take only new and tender leaves.

Grind them and make a paste of them.

Drink thrice a day.  This cures jaundice.

Foul wound (,Sada hua ghaav)               Necrotic wounds


When tissues die, it begins to decompose and release foul-smelling chemicals.

may be a sign of infection.



Dried peel of Peepal tree.

Mix Ganga water and make its paste.

Applying on any sore rotten wound, the wound will begin to heal immediately.

The rotten wound will also start getting better.



Such a peepal tree which is away from the city and village.

Go to the Peepal tree and bow down to it,Apologize to him.

And the Peepal tree which is not worshipped.

Remove the peel of that peepal tree,From as many places as you have extracted your peel.Fill that place of the tree with soil.Due to which the wound of Peepal tree will heal quickly.

Dry that peel and make its powder.If the powder is 200 gms.

Put 10 grams of celery powder in it.( Ajwain).

10 grams of camphor powder in it.

Big cardamom 10 grams.

10 grams of sugar candy in it(mishri).

Mix them all and make a powder,Keep it filled in a glass vial.

Any intoxicant, liquor, ganja,Smack, Heroine!

Mixing a pinch of powder in a teaspoon of honey,

The number of times the urge for intoxication arises in a day.

Feed him a pinch of powder in a spoonful of honey as many times as possible.

It is successful in getting rid of every single addiction in the world.



    White discharge 


When Peepal fruits are ripe, they are dried and made into powder.IF POWDER IS 250GM.

So in it 250 grams of sugar candy( mishri)Branded Bali.

Half teaspoon powder, morning and evening.with luke warm water.

Your leucorrhoea will stop within 7 days.



A voice disorder occurs when the vocal cords do not produce a clear sound. Sometimes these conditions are referred to as disorders of the larynx or voice box disorders.



When Peepal fruits are ripe, they are dried and made into powder.IF POWDER IS 250GM.

So in it 250 grams of sugar candy( mishri)Branded Bali.

Half teaspoon powder, morning and evening.with luke warm water.

This voice problem of the children will also be cured.



10 green leaves of Peepal.

Make a paste of them.

Mixing this paste in a glass of water and drinking it.

Any type of bleeding will stop within 5 minutes of drinking this.

Bleeding from injury,Excessive bleeding during menstruation.

bleeding after tooth extraction.

Any type of bleeding will stop within 5 minutes of drinking this.

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