LOVE (Defination of Love)
LOVE (Defination of Love)
Forty three years living experience on this planet is ,You have to learn everything in this world.For example, you have to learn how to speak, walk, eat and drink.Whatever be the work, job, business, you have to learn.
No one has to learn how to love someone.Love is the desire of your soul.
Even a new born baby knows what love is,Know how to love everyone who is in this world.
That is why it is said that love does not go, it goes.
Love is the basic need of human being.Everyone is looking for love only.
Some people are searching for the same love in wealth.
Some people are searching for the same love in amassing many worldly things.
Some people find that love in sex.
But that love is within you. There is nowhere outside.When you yourself are filled with love, then you will be able to give love to others.Otherwise, you will keep on depending on others.
To get this love.
When someone who loves you reminds you of your duties.You should have done this. You should have done that. what is your responsibility, you didn't do it.
Understand that love has started decreasing. You have lost faith in your partner. The direction of this love is changing slowly.
If you control it then it is okay, otherwise the direction will change.
If your partner is happy with you in every situation.Supporting you in every situation.Not accusing you of anything.
Then there is love.
Where there is love, that love alone can maintain all relationships.
Everyone knows about love but no one recognizes it.Can't understand what is love?
If you love someone unconditionally, go with them as they are.
then it can be called love,
If you want something after love then it is not love,
Than its called give and take policy mean Business.
Love like this is never a pleasure,Such love starts showing its colors in a few days.
This is happening 99.9% of the time right now.
For example......
You married your favorite girl,Home family relatives all very happy with marriage,So what happens like this within one year?Why does love and affection decrease?
Because you married her after seeing the beauty of the girl followed by her behavior.
The beauty of a girl does not always remain the same, it gradually decreases.
That's why your partner doesn't look more beautiful. That beauty is visible in others.
By the way, even a girl would marry after seeing a handsome and wealthy boy.
As soon as the strength in the body decreases in a few years.
Then that girl also does not see beauty in that boy.He still sees the same beauty in other boys.
The problem here is that
Our aim is wrong.
We look at our partner's beauty, power and money.These things never stand still.These things never stand still.
If you give your hundred percent in love, there is a chance of getting 5 percent back.The happiness of the person in front is always seen in love.
there is no desire to receive anything in love.In love, whatever you have, you would like to give it all to him.
Definition of love
Love is not found anywhere outside. Love is within you.
If you get pleasure from giving anything to the person in front.
Like your son is the heir of all your property.
you still give him gifts,This shows your love that we love you.If you don't give her a gift then your love doesn't diminish,
To give anything to someone is to express your love.
You have to fill yourself with love first.When you are filled with love then only you will be able to give love to someone.As long as the hope of love is attached to others.Until then you can't find love.Because others are sitting with hope from you that you will give me love.Because every living being in this world is searching for love.And that love is inside him, but he's looking outside.
If someone truly loves the living being, then he is God.
Even for those who love him.
Nature has its own arrangement for that too.Same arrangement for those who don't love him.
Nothing to do just happy,Only God can give this true love.
Suppose the boy is a Vaishnava and loves very much to Radha Krishna.
So you also have to find a Vaishnava girl.The one who loves Radha Krishna.
When the mind of both is fixed at one place, then mutual love will remain forever.
Biggest parameter
The boy and girl who love their parents as much as they get the same love from outside.
Because parents are the first love of a child.Who can forget his first love.He can never love anyone.
He will always do conditional love.
Thanks to all
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