REALITY OF LIFE


Man always runs after what he does not have,And he doesn't appreciate what he has.He always decides his happiness by looking at others.

He thinks that if I too had so much wealth soon, I would also be very happy.

But whoever has it, observe it carefully.

You will never see happiness on his face.He will always be found immersed in worry.

He has a lot of wealth but no peace of mind.

A lot of life kept running to increase its wealth.

He is unable to give time to his family in the process of increasing the property.

He doesn't have any time for himself.

If you listen to his words, he will always talk about crores.

He doesn't have a penny's worth of peace.

Whoever looks from outside must be thinking how happy this man is,

Only someone very close to him can tell you about his inner sadness.

That man is so sad from inside that he cannot say anything to anyone.

He thinks what will people say?Why is this person unhappy despite having so much wealth?

He thinks that if someone knows the sorrow inside me soon, he will call me a fool.

Because of this shame, he remains choked inside.

Money earned through dishonesty lasts for 12 years.

Money earned by killing someone's rights will never give you peace.

He doesn't sleep at night so he drinks alcohol,

That person is completely broken from inside.Any disease starts from the mind first.Then gradually it appears on the body.

Earn two paise less.  Eat two rotis less.

Give time to your family.  Give time to friends.Enjoy life a little too.

Where we have not come to die.We are here to live life.

You consider yourself a big man. Because you have a bungalow, a car. you have a lot of money.

Natural disaster can destroy everything.

We all have the experience of CORONA period.

How much destruction happened?The invisible virus has created so much havoc.

We have nothing in this world.

Where we have come and gone as guests.

It doesn't matter to anyone whether we are or not.

This is the bitter truth of life.When someone dies.

On hearing the news of death, crying comes only for 2 minutes.After that everyone completes the formalities only.

The men who take you to the crematorium take you to the crematorium and leave.

No one goes to burn together.

According to Garuda Purana, money leaves home only.Your family will accompany you till the cremation ground.Wife and children will cry for four days only.Our mother will cry for 1 week.

After that everything will be normal.

when someone dies,As soon as the soul leaves from inside it.People even stop calling that man by his name.Listen carefully to his words.

He will say that the body has to be taken to the crematorium.Or taking the body to the crematorium.

Then no one will even call you by your name.they will call you just a Body.

At the time of death, if there is a ring in the hand, there will be a chain around the neck.So the family members will talk among themselves when the chain ring will be removed from the body.  Take it out!

After going to the crematorium, even touching the body is forbidden.

The companions also come inside the house only after taking bath.

Which organs remain alive after we die?


Your heart remains alive for 10 minutes.

Your mind remains alive for 20 minutes.

Your eyes stay alive for 4 hours.

In these four hours the eyes which see the attitude of their relatives.

Then death would seem like a gift to the dead.

That's why all the moments of life you have got, live happily.

You don't need to think too much about life.The one who has sent you here has sent you very carefully.

So enjoy life.Celebrate happiness and share happiness.

Giving thanks to the almighty.

           Thanks to all 




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