RAIN WATER (Blessings of Nature)


RAIN WATER (Blessing of Nature)


So many of us underestimate this free gift of nature. 

Rain water is blessing of nature for human beings and whole land.

 Benefit of Rainwater 


The alkaline pH in rainwater helps to maintain the skin's natural elasticity and moisture, while also supporting healthy hair. Washing hair with rainwater makes our hair stronger and promotes hair growth. It is advised to take a bath in rainwater occasionally in order to enjoy its health benefits on our skin and hair.

Taking a bath stabilizes the cold temperature you reach from the rain and shifts thing back to your normal temperature.

Listening to rain is very calming and soothing. Listening to a soft rain falling can be very therapeutic for you. If it were raining my brain would stop racing and my heartbeat will slow down.

Rain is the source of freshwater for many cultures where rivers, lakes, or aquifers are not easily accessible. Rain makes modern life possible by providing water for agriculture, industry, hygiene, and electrical energy.

Rain contain B12 vitamins


Rain water itself does  inherently contain Vitamin. B12 on its own. 

Rainwater is known to contain many nutrients that are great for your plants and garden. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium have all been detected in rainwater.

Bathing in rain releases happiness hormones, such as endorphins and serotonin. These hormones relieve tension and instantly make you happy. Bathing in seasonal rains is a must, if you wish to give yourself a break from the worries of the world.

           KIDNEY CYSTS 

           BRAIN STROKE 

           HEART ATTACK 



it is necessary to bathe in the rain .Because Bathing in rain water removes the heat of the body.

There is no stress on the kidneys due to the maximum heat being released from the body.No kidney diseases.

The heart works very well as maximum body heat is released.

There is no stress on the Heart due to the maximum heat being released from the kidneys. No Heart diseases.

The Brain works well as maximum heat from the heart is released ,

There is no stress on the Brain due to the maximum heat being released from the Heart.  No Brain STROKE. 



Love the mother nature, Didn't be afraid from nature. 

Like our body is made up of five elements.

All the five elements reside in this nature.

if you want to be healthy,Always stay connected with nature.

Today's medical science has separated the human being from nature.

We have been intimidated from playing in the mud and bathing in rain water. 

How can anything created by God be bad for us?

Mankind is made of clay.

Human body is just a heap of food.

Rain water is a blessing from God.

No one is afraid of rain water in nature except mankind.

Diseases come because of not being connected with nature.

Make it a rule from today


Love nature and stay connected with it.

Bathe yourself in the rain water and allow the children to bathe as well.

After taking a bath in the rain water, take a little bath in your bathroom and have some hot tea and coffee. 

You got a lot of pleasure doing this.

By changing lifestyle and habits enjoy happy and healthy life. 

          Thanks to all 



Health And Spirituality





PRANA SHAKTI (Cosmic Energy)



Biryani (Rice Ain-i-Akbari:)