WHAT IS EDUCATION ( Meaning of Education)


           Meaning of                       Education 


Education refers to the discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools or school-like environments, as opposed to various nonformal and informal means of socialization.

Education has been derived from the latin word EDUCARE.

Which means TO BRING UP. 


'Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man"

So the basic meaning of  education is  TO DEVELOP. 

Means development of children, It indicates a kind of development process. 

Means gaining knowledge,Values, Skills, Critical Thinking, Problem solving ,Creativity,manners, honesty and Love the creation of GOD.

Education is the process of bringing desirable change into the  behavior of human beings. It can also be defined as a process of imparting or acquiring knowledge and habits through instruction and study.

Education is the cheapest and most rapid and most reliable path to change human beings Culture, Habits and Economic advancement under present conditions.

Education means to lead out through the modification of native behavior of of the child.

Education  mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man –body, mind, and spirit.”

Education is very important in our lives, A person without education is like a bird without wings.



The 'Gurukul' system of education is the epitome of Indian style of learning. Basically, a gurukul is a school where students live along with their mentors and receive education, moral values and life skills under their guidance. This process of learning is being practiced since early ages in India.

        18 subjects of gurukul


18 subjects of Gurukul, Language studies particularly Sanskrit, grammar, astronomy, mathematics, Ayurveda (medicine), Darshan (philosophy), political science, Arthashashtra (economics, political science, administration), Yoga (religion), Dhanurveda (war-craft), physical education, etc.

The whole Gurukul system was based on experiential learning and was practice based with subjects such as astronomy, medicine, philosophy, political science, economics, religion, yoga, physical education, and defense studies as its major components.

It instils independent thinking, discipline and self-esteem in children right from the time kids are enrolled in a modern coaching institute. Students learn to nurture their wisdom in an open and practical environment.

He runs the institution keeping in mind its three pillars "Tradition, Honour and Discipline".

Promote equality and excellence. minimise stress in learning. empowering for future learning.

Lord Krishna learn at Gurukul........

This place in Ujjain near the Kaalbhairav and Mangalnath temples is described as the ashram where Lord Krishna learnt 64 arts alongside his elder brother Balarama and friend Sudama.

     Modern Education system 

       British Education system 


The glorious ancient Indian Gurukul System of education declined Due to British slavery,

The British wanted slaves to rule India. Kings were being prepared by studying in Gurukul.

Banned the studies of Gurukul, abolished Gurukuls.

Unfortunately, in 1835, the Gurukul education system disappeared and the modern system of English Education was brought to India by Lord Macaulay.

The modern education system has evolved with time and has been influenced by the western system.

Macaulay wanted the government to spend money only on imparting western education and not on oriental education. He advocated the shutting down of all colleges where only eastern philosophy and subjects were taught.

we are the nation perfect English speakers with empty stomach.

Because they made english compulsory in schools. 

And Agriculture optional  that you can choose to do agriculture ,But english is must,

So then we become perfect english speakers with empty stomach, Because we don't learn agriculture or food production.

British education system is only producing slaves.

What are we doing after being educated, come home from morning till evening on the night of someone's slavery, then start following the same routine the next morning.

Our whole life is spent like this.

In future our generation download the Roti and food items from Google.

Because we didn't learn food production.

We must remember that we come from a great tribulation 

We had an education design for us called GURUKUL EDUCATION SYSTEM. 

British education system 

You never really choose to be what you are ,And you become that which we are the nation of perfect english speakers with empty stomach.

The value system they created for us,The value system 

that they don't even go by.

By force we have to adopt there education system.

Till now we are living the life of slavery, everyone knows, India has become free.  In reality, he has not become free.

Till now we are living the life of slavery, because the laws made by the British are still running in India.  We are all following the name given by the British, 



          Thanks to all 




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