What is Faminine Energy

        What is Faminine Energy 


Energy (shakti )refers to multiple ideas. Its general definition is dynamic energy that is responsible for creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe. It is identified as female energy because shakti is responsible for creation, as mothers are responsible for birth.

The Divine Feminine is often associated with intuition, nurturing, creativity, empathy, and wisdom. These qualities are not limited to women but are attributes that anyone can embody, regardless of gender.

Masculine energy is characterized by DOING and achieving and is molded by logic and reason. The feminine is more intuitive, oriented towards receiving and allowing, and characterized by BEING. When these energies are balanced, we experience a greater sense of harmony and fulfillment.

Feminine energy traits are affiliated with nurturing, love, receptivity, compassion, and care. This 'being' energy is the polar opposite of masculine energy, which revolves around 'doing.

      Feminine in Human  Body


In your body, The right side harnesses your masculine energy. The left side of your body harnesses feminine energy.

More feminine-looking women are more likely to be able to successfully reproduce. As a result, it is adaptive for men to find femininity in female faces attractive because it signals both health and fertility.

Feminine Power Virtues: Presence, Authenticity, Sensuality, Spirituality and Gratitude.

woman often has abilities that are rare and she uses them to help and nurture life on the planet. 

Feminine energy is a powerful force, and it can be used to benefit your life in many ways. The first step is to recognize the divine feminine within yourself. Then, use this knowledge to bring more balance into your life.

Singing. Another simple, yet powerful feminine energy activity is singing. When you sing, or listen to music, you open yourself up to receiving energy from a higher source. This helps to connect you with your intuition and creativity, which is key in activating your feminine energy.

The Divine Feminine is the feminine aspect of the divine power that connects and binds the Earth together. In other words, it is the goddess energy that exists within all of us. 

Mūlādhāra Chakra

Shiva resides in the Sahasrāra Chakra and Shakti in the Mūlādhāra Chakra.

One thing I've learned is that women need respect as much as men. Indeed, we all need respect, and we're all deserving of respect. And it probably goes without saying that we all need love.

Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they're different from you or you don't agree with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing. Respect doesn't have to come naturally – it is something you learn.

The first rule is the “Golden rule,” which is                    “TREAT OTHERS  HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED .” This one little rule really sums up everything. Respect others and respect yourself.

        History is Witness


Respect is the priceless ornament one can give a woman.

As long as we respect women power.

She will fill you with strength, love and blessings. Like your mother, sister, any other respected relation with females  

When you start torturing it,

when you start insulting him,

So she will make your life hell.

Ramayana Mahabharata war is the result of insulting women.

If you carefully look around, you will find that here there is respect for women, there there is happiness and peace.

You will find that there is no respect for women here, there there is conflict and unrest.

Women must be respected, women are nature, they have the power of creation.

        My living experience 


Whatever you give to a woman, she will multiply it and return it to you.

If you give love, it will multiply and return it to you.

If you insult her, she will increase it and return it to you.

TREAT OTHERS  HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED .” This one little rule really sums up.

           Thanks to all 




Health And Spirituality





PRANA SHAKTI (Cosmic Energy)



Biryani (Rice Ain-i-Akbari:)