WHITE SUGAR 


White sugar, also called table sugar, granulated sugar, or regular sugar, is a commonly used type of sugar, made either of beet sugar or cane sugar, which has undergone a refining process.

The refining process completely removes the molasses to give the white sugar, sucrose. It has a purity higher than 99.7%. White sugars produced from sugar cane and sugar beet are chemically indistinguishable: it is possible, however, to identify its origin through a carbon-13 analysis.

White sugar (and some brown sugar) produced from sugar cane may be refined using bone char by a few sugar cane refiners.    For this reason white sugar from sugar cane may not be vegan. Beet sugar has never been processed with bone char and is vegan.

BONE CHAR consists of ground animal bones that have been charred to remove all OM. Bone char mainly consists of calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and AC. Fluoride removal takes place through the replacement of the carbonate in the char with the fluoride ion.

Bone char has tricalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and carbon, which is used in several commercial processes as a filter. To make this bone char, animal's bones are powdered and sold to sugar factories, which is further used during the process of making refined sugar.

Bone char—often referred to as natural carbon—is widely used by the sugar industry as a decolorizing filter, which allows the sugar cane to achieve its desirable white color. Other types of filters involve granular carbon or an ion-exchange system rather than bone char.

Sugar manufacturers use bone char in sugar processing and refining because it acts as a decolourising filter for sugarcane to achieve the desired white coloured sugar. This means that many products on the market that contain this type of sugar – from cosmetics to food might not be vegan.



 Bone char is a product obtained from the calcinations of bovine bones at high temperatures in the absence of air. Bone char is derived from the carbonization of crushed animal bones by heating them to 500–700°C in an airtight iron retort for 4–6 h.

The best quality Fine Bone  contain up to 45% cow or pig bone ash.

       Danger of Sugar 


The effects of added sugar intake — higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease — are all linked to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke.

High blood glucose levels can affect the brain's functional connectivity, which links brain regions that share functional properties, and brain matter. It can cause the brain to atrophy or shrink.

Besides killing the brain cells, too much sugar in the brain can also cause slowed cognitive function and even memory and attention problems for seniors. Furthermore, it weakens and damages the blood vessels, 

increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Chronic inflammation. Sugar can promote inflammation in the body which leads to excess stress on the heart and blood vessels, which, in turn, increases the risk of premature death and stroke.

people who have diets high in sugar tend to sleep less deeply and display greater restlessness at night.

Increases wrinkling: Sugar's inflammatory properties not only lead to breakouts on the skin, but also cause wrinkles. Collagen, which is essential for healthy, supple skin, is broken down by sugar, which makes the skin look dehydrated and dull, also increasing the chances of premature wrinkling.

we eat sugar on a regular basis, the chemicals build up in our bodies affecting our liver and some other internal organs, which can eventually lead to liver damage. When the liver is damaged, fatty or inflamed.

The impact of AGEs as a result of glycation makes the skin lose its radiance by causing discoloration. Acanthosis Nigricans is a common skin condition caused by insulin resistance due to excessive sugar intake, resulting in dark pigmentation.

When your blood sugar spikes, it causes inflammation throughout your body. These spikes also cause your body to make more sebum, an oily substance in your skin. Both inflammation and excess sebum can lead to acne.

Sugar is bad for your heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas, and brain. 

          Real Sugar 


Real sugar comes from sugar beet and sugar cane plants grown on farms. The real sugar in your pantry is grown and harvested by sugar beet and sugar cane farmers. And the same pure sugar found naturally in the plant is what ends up in your pantry after minimal processing.

Desi khand and jaggery are both made from sugar cane juice. Jaggery can also be made from palm or date sap. The two are unrefined and therefore hold rich nutrient properties compared to refined sugar.

yes, jaggery is widely considered a healthier option.

you thought that “white sugar” comes from sugar cane…you were wrong! White sugar is neither vegetarian nor Ever wonder how they bleach the sugar to make it white? Well, you are about to find out. If you like candy bars, you might want to enjoy your last one. Do you want to know where it comes from?

It is made from COWS…COW BONES.

Because sugar comes from plants, it does not, therefore, mean that it is vegetarian or vegan.

Always use natural products.

Don't go through the ads media.

when jaggery provides sweet, they why bone char refined sugar.

BY changing lifestyle and habits enjoy happy and healthy life.

      Thanks to all 




Health And Spirituality