EYE SIGHT INCREASE (Simple Exercise)



Human eye, in humans, specialized sense organ capable of receiving visual images, which are then carried to the brain.

The eye is our organ of vision. Its complicated design means that an image can pass through its many layers and end up crisply focused on the back of the eye, called the retina. The retina is covered with light sensitive cells, called rods and cones.

All  the visible structures within and surrounding the orbit and including eyelids, eyelashes, and eyebrows. c(1) : the faculty of seeing with eyes. (2) : the faculty of intellectual or aesthetic perception or appreciation.

Each eye constantly adjusts the amount of light it lets in, focuses on objects near and far, and produces continuous images that are instantly transmitted to the brain. The orbit is the bony cavity that contains the eyeball, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, as well as the structures that produce and drain tears.

       Function of Tears


Tears keep your eyes wet and smooth, and help focus light so you can see clearly. They also protect your eyes from infections and irritating things, like dirt and dust. Every time you blink, a thin layer of tears called a “tear film” spreads across the surface of your cornea (the clear outer layer of the eye).

How Image formed from    eye to brain


The crystalline eye lens acts as a light-sensitive screen by forming an inverted true image of the item on the retina. The light that enters our eyes is converted by the retina into electrical impulses that our optic nerve transmits to our brain, which produces the images we see.

This system called ....       Optical coherence tomography,

 Blurred vision reason


Blurred vision can be caused by eye conditions, including: difficulty focusing your eyesight, such as with near-sightedness or far-sightedness. astigmatism (when the surface of the eye isn't curved properly) presbyopia (when your eyes find it harder to focus as you age).

The leading causes of low vision  are primarily age-related eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma.

 Brain  Images Process system



The human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, and 90 per cent of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. Images are also better than text because reading is rather inefficient for us.

        Megapixel of Eyes


Human eyes is 576 MegaPixels.

Eye tracking technology

Eye tracking is a sensor technology that can detect a person's presence and follow what they are looking at in real-time. The technology converts eye movements into a data stream that contains information such as pupil position, the gaze vector for each eye, and gaze point.



By doing this exercise, your eyes will be fine for the rest of your life.

Dinner should be done by 7:00 PM. 

Sleep only after brushing your teeth at night.cleaning your tongue with it.

Head in the east-south direction to sleep at night,Take care when you go to sleep.  You are breathing through your right nostril.Sleep on the left side.

Direction to sleep at night,Take care when you go to sleep.  You are breathing through your right nostril.Sleep on the left side.

As soon as you wake up in the morning, Rub your hands vigorously for 1 minute.When the hand becomes hot, keep it for some time by applying the palms on the eyes.Do this 3 times.After this, take saliva from the tongue and apply it in the eyes like mascara.After applying saliva like kajal in both the eyes, rub both the eyes ,Gently massage the eyes.

Again rub your hands vigorously for 1 minute.When the hand becomes hot, keep it for some time by applying the palms on the eyes.Do this 3 times.

After this, fill the mouth with fresh water and forcefully splash fresh water in the eyes.

Do this process three times in the morning.Splashing in the eyes with mouth watering even after lunch.

Mouth watering even after dinner splash of water in the eyes.

By doing this exercise, there will be no eye disease for the whole life.

You will see the result in 15 days only.

Your smile is our moto 





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