
Ancient Rishis of India - Agastya | Arundhati | Ansuya | Atri | Ashtavakra | Bharadwaj | Bhrigu | Dadhichi | Durvasa | Gautama | Jamadagni | Jaratkaru.



seven brahmarshis

Bhrigu, Angiras, Atri, Vishwamitra, Kashyapa, Vasishta, and Shandilya are the seven brahmarshis.



There are four Vedas: Rig, Sama, Yajur and Atharva Veda. Each Rishi received only one of them, and then passed it on: Agni Rishi – Rig Veda, Vayu Rishi – Sama Veda, Aditi Rishi – Yajur Veda, Angiras Rishi – Atharva Veda.

Oldest Hindu text


Samhita, Brahmana layers of the Vedas

• Rigveda, 1500 – 1100 BCE.

• Samaveda, 1200 - 800 BCE.

• Yajurveda, 1100 - 800 BCE.

• Atharvaveda, 1000 - 800 BCE.

      Gayatri Mantra


The Rig Veda

The Gayatri mantra is found in the oldest Vedic literature, the Rig Veda (3.62. 10).

Ancient Inventions & Discoveries Of Science That India Gifted To The Rest Of The World


• Ancient Dentistry (7000 BC) ...

• Ayurveda (5000 BC) ...

• Ancient flush toilet systems (2500 BC) ...

• Ruler (2400 BC) ...

• Weighing scale (2400BC) ...

• Plastic surgery (2000 BC) ...

• Pythagorean theorem (700 BC) ...

• Crucible steel (200BC)

Ancient Indian Inventions That Will Surprise You


• The Concept Of Zero. ...

• Plastic Surgery: Facial Reconstruction. ...

• Weights: A System Of Measuring. ...

• Chess: Originally Four Players. ...

• Cotton: Natural Fibers And Cultivation. ...

• Yoga: Connection Of Mind And Body. ...

• Cataract: An Indian Invention In Medicine.

Many believe or say that the western world and religions have given science . 

On ther hand our own Indian people have been told that there was no scientific thinking in India. 

India is only ritualitics religion etc etc etc.

In fact such people present their incomplete knowledge .

Our ancient sages and scientists invented something like this and develop the theories on the  basis of which modern science and the face of world changed. 

IMAGINE if ZERO (0) did not exist could be imagine mathematics. 

DECIMAL (,) this discovery in Bharat.

Bharat made many fundamental inventions ,

Inventions and principles. 

Ancient Bharat Inventions 


Ancient Bharat inventions  that changed the world. 

Airplane Inventions 


Our history books and schools curricula teach that the Wright brothers invented the first airplane.

But this is incorrect because. Thousands of years before that

Rishi Bhardwaj wrote VIMANSASTRA. 

Which describes the technique of  making airplanes. In vaimanik shastra. 

Written by MAHARISHI BHARDWAJA in the  4th century BC.

Many types of flying machines VIMANA were described .

And many rules and types of aerial combat were given. 

GODHA  was a flat invention,which could disappear ,Can paralyze indirect enemy aircraft. 


Cataclysm was a type electrical energy  weapon 

That could cause horrific destruction to the pilot. Which looks like a cloud.


RISHI KARADAM designed  an airplane for his wife by which anyone could travel anywhere. 

THE RAMAYANA mentions PUSHPAK BIMAN where Ravana took Sitaji.



We are talking about BOW,ARROW and spears or SWORD .It was invented in India .

We are talking about firearms which were invented in India itself. 

There are many weapons such as agnistra, varunastra, pashupatra, sarpashastra and Bramhastra etc.

The modern forms which are Guns,Machine Guns .

Cannons, missiles Poison gas Nuclear weapons. 

Description of the following weapons are found in Vedas and Puranas. Indra astra, Agni astra,Varuna astra,Nag astra, Nag pasha astra,Vayu astra,Surya astra,, achatturdisha astra ,Mohini astra,VAAJRA ASTRA.

Many destructive weapons were used in Mahabharata war.

Atomic theory


Rishi KANADA discovered the theory of atomic energy theory written in Vedas. 

Rishi  KANADA is considered as the father of Nuclear science. 

Wheel Inventions 


5000 years ago think about the use of  chariots described in MAHABHARAT War,if there were no wheels could the chariots have moved .

This proves that the wheel was 5000 years ago. The invention of wheel was  a significant  achievement of history of anthropology .

It was only after the invention of wheel that the wheel then the car was completed.

It gave people momentum . The life changed rapidly .



The invention of plastic surgery revolutionized the world. 

Plastic surgery means to repair any part of the body .

RISHI SUSHRUTA is considered to be the first Surgeon in India about 3000 years ago. 

SUSHRUTA used to heal those whose limbs were mutilated or damaged in the war or natural calamities .

RISHI SUSHRUTA along with the health scientist in his time,Proposed many complex surgical principles such as childbirth, Cataracts, Prostheses, Stone treatment, Plastic surgery. 



MAHARISHI AGASTYA was vedic sage .

Sage AGASTYA composed a book called AGASTYA SAMHITA , 

The formulas related to the power generation are found in this book.



You will surprised to know that the shirt button was invented in india. 

 Invention of Geometry in india.

   Invention of Radio


History books says that the Radio was invented by G marconi.

But this is completely wrong, 

During the British period marconi found the red diary notes of jagdish Chandra bose an Indian Bengali scientist ,From which is clear that he was the first  to discover Radio

Discovery of Gravitational power clearly mentioned in Vedas.

Thus there are hundreds of invented that the people of India made.

But since the west has ruled the world and written history .

On this occasion they glorified his own philosophers and scientists  under the conspiracy .



For 1500 years, the castes who were living life by wrapping the bark of trees, wrapping their leaves.

Those who did not know how to eat and drink properly, did not know how to live properly, were living the life of tribals.

Suddenly so many scientists were born.

How did so many discoveries happen in the 17th century, 18th century and 19th century?

That's what needs to be thought.....


The EAST India company captured India in the 16th century.

When those people saw that diamonds and pearls are hidden in the Indian scriptures.  Indians do not want to read them.

They read Indian scriptures, changed their own language, and started researching the principles written in those scriptures.

The discoveries made by the Indians.

The west has ruled the world and written history.

 On this occasion they glorified their own philosophers and scientists under the conspiracy.

We left our scriptures, religion, rituals, and the people of the West adopted them and made more and more discoveries.

Till now we have not understood. Those who study Indian religious scriptures are called hypocrites.  we are falling.

We have to respect and honor our civilization and culture.

Your Smile is our moto........




Health And Spirituality





PRANA SHAKTI (Cosmic Energy)



Biryani (Rice Ain-i-Akbari:)