ICE CREAM/FROZEN DESSERT ............. ICE CREAM Ice-Cream is the premium natural ice-cream made out of Fresh Fruits. The ingredients in use are of high quality milk, fruits/dry fruits and sugar only. The Sanctity of the word "Natural" is sought to be preserved to its core, using ingredients that are known to be as pure and as natural as possible. A rich, sweet, creamy frozen food made from variously flavored cream and milk products churned or stirred to a smooth consistency during the freezing process and often containing gelatin, eggs, fruits, nuts, etc. FROZEN DESSERT frozen dessert” is used by the food regulator to describe a product made by freezing a pasteurized mixture made with palm oil/milk fat and/or edible vegetable oils and fat. Such desserts use milk fat to keep the ingredients frozen. Compared to frozen desserts, ice cr...