
If you want to enjoy the journey then keep your luggage less, if you want to enjoy life then keep your desires less.

A minimalist person is someone who has a simple, uncluttered lifestyle. They don't believe in owning things for the sake of owning things — they only keep what is truly important to them. Minimalists are often very organised and efficient and find satisfaction in pursuing meaningful relationships and activities.

A minimalist lifestyle is intentionally living with fewer possessions — focusing only on the ones you need. Living with less may be the right choice if you're feeling overwhelmed with clutter, if you're looking for fewer distractions, or if you're looking to cut back on spending.

When you live as a minimalist, you strive to only use things that serve a purpose. It's about living simply and having only what you need to go about your daily life. For instance, some people may start a no-spend challenge or only fill their home with items they absolutely need.

Purpose of a minimalist life


Minimalist living is about intention. You make room and time in your life for the things you love and eliminate everything that distracts you from them. It's a very intentional way of living that gives rise to positive changes in almost all aspects of life.

One of the primary benefits of minimalism is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Our environment plays a significant role in determining the status of our mental well-being, and living in a cluttered space can be overwhelming.

A minimalist eschews the mindset of more, of acquiring and consuming and shopping, of bigger is better, of the burden of stuff. A minimalist instead embraces the beauty of less, the aesthetic of spareness, a life of contentedness in what we need and what makes us truly happy.

On the contrary   .  millionaire minimalists have full knowledge of where their money is going. Instead of stressing over money, or constantly opening their banking apps, financially savvy minimalists can reach a point where they merely check in on their accounts to ensure everything is going according to plan.

Here 5 Signs Minimalism Might Be for You.


1. You Tend to Wear the Same Outfits Over and Over. ...

2. You'd Prefer to Stock Up on Memories Instead of Material Possessions. ...

3. You Don't Enjoy Spending Your Free Time Shopping. ...

4. You'd Prefer to Skip the Holiday Gift Exchange. ...

5. You're a Messy Person Who is Easily Overwhelmed When Tidying.

Why is minimalism beautiful?


Aesthetically, minimalist art offers a highly purified form of beauty. It can also be seen as representing such qualities as truth (because it does not pretend to be anything other than what it is), order, simplicity and harmony.

Not only will minimalism save you time, money, and resources, it's also an important ingredient for success. If you want to be more productive, more focused, more creative, and exercise better willpower, it's essential that you absorb the principles of minimalism.

Like an uncluttered environment, organizing your life with only the essentials can relieve stress and allow for clear thought processing. In addition, allowing yourself time to sit back and relax throughout the day will help you focus, decluttering your mind.

Steve Jobs a minimalist


Jobs adopted a minimalist lifestyle, he wore the same black turtleneck, blue jeans and New Balance sneakers every day. His focus was always on the important things, what feature would the next iPhone have as opposed to what will I wear tomorrow?

APJ Abdul kalam 


Simplicity: APJ Abdul Kalam was known for his simple and humble lifestyle. He believed in leading a life of minimalism and focused on his work and contribution to society.

Dr Kalam was a very successful and brilliant scientist who always thought about how to serve humanity in a better way. He used to inspire other people as well to serve humanity. This humanitarian behaviour makes Dr. Kalam a humble personality.

Your smile is our moto 


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