SUGAR FREE LIFE ( Let's do an experiment For 15 days only)
Let's do an experiment
For 15 days only
Jaggery boosts immunity: Jaggery is packed with antioxidants that aid in building immunity and lowering the risk of certain diseases like cancer and dementia. Antioxidants in jaggery are also known to reduce the signs of aging. Sugar, on the other hand, is a source of empty calories with no nutritional value.
If you don't eat sugar for 15 days,
Will you not even eat things made of sugar like Tea, coffee, pizza, pasta,Bread,souce chips. Ice creams processed food , sweet, etc.
You will become very active in 15 days.
Your metabolism will be high.
You will feel very light and very happy.
The child inside you will come alive again.
You will be very happy from inside.
The glow of the face will start increasing.
All the spots on the face will start to clear.
You will start losing weight.
The cholesterol level will also start to recover.
Your depression will end.
Your heart and blood pressure problems Will start decreasing.
Diabetes will also start reducing.
The heaviness of the body will end.
You will feel very light and active.
You can eat fruit for sweet.
You can drink tea with jaggery, not sugar.
Don't even use sugar free tablets.
Nothing happens straight in human life.
everything happens when the cause and effect.
You eliminate the cause, its effect will end.
Make up your mind and get started.
By the time 15 days pass, you will start enjoying a different kind of life.
What is joy in life? You will understand after 15 days.
Why can't I stop eating sugar?
There are many reasons for the excess sugar in your diet. Perhaps you are eating an improper balance of macronutrients which leads you to crave more simple carbohydrates like sugar. You may be consuming hidden sugar in daily foods. You might eat more sugary foods when stressed, emotional, or lacking sleep.
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