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          NECESSARY TO SOAK ANY SEED                      ....................       WHAT IS THE SEED           Seed is the form of reproduction for plants . It is a small structure that contains everything needed to give rise for a New plant . Within its lies the plants embryo as well as the nutrients necessary for its initial growth . When a seed falls in a suitable place  It germinates and begins to develop  Sending roots in to  the soil and sprouting upward to become a full grown plant . So seeds are vital for survival and growth of the plants. As they allow for the dispersal and propagation of species in different environments .          WHY soaking is necessary  Soaking grains can help improve their digestibility and nutrient absorption. Soaking also breaks down phytic acid and reduces cooking time. Rinse soaked grains thoroughly before cooking to remove any debris or impurities. Soaking has been a method used for centuries by indigenous populations all over the world. Our ancest


           MARRIAGE LIFE                      .............. In general, marriage can be described as a bond/commitment between a man and a woman. Also, this bond is strongly connected with love, tolerance, support, and harmony. Also, creating a family means to enter a new stage of social advancement. Marriages help in founding the new relationship between females and males. The three principles of marriage are typically considered to be love, commitment, and communication. Love: Love is the foundation of a successful marriage. It includes both emotional and physical intimacy, as well as a deep connection between partners. The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they're right if you love to be with them all the time.            ROLE OF WIFE               ........... ... A wife is her husband's prime supporter, councellor, partner, best friend all in one. Her role is to take care of her husband and keep him happy. She is the one who supports as well


    JEERA/CUMIN SEEDS WATER          ......... Jeera Water helps achieve clear skin: Jeera is full of fibre and free radical scavengers. This helps detoxify the body and helps make their elimination smoother. By fighting free radicals, jeera water helps keep the skin clear and adds a natural glow. This also makes jeera an effective way of treating acne. Jeera good for skin-whitening              ................ Rich in vitamin E, cumin seeds not only help treat acne, pimples, skin disorders, but also prevents premature ageing and helps in achieving brighter, glowing skin. Boil some jeera in water, let the concoction cool down and then wash your face with this water. • Jeera water in your beauty routine. Jeera water, or cumin water, is a popular natural remedy with several potential beauty benefits: ... • ​Clears Acne. ... • ​Promotes Clear Skin. ... • ​Reduces Dark Circles. ... • ​Treats Blemishes. ... • ​Moisturizes Skin. ... • ​Controls Oiliness. How to make jeera water for skin    


               CONSTIPATION Stomach problems          ......... Constipation is a condition in which a person has uncomfortable or infrequent bowel movements Constipation is a problem with passing stool. Constipation generally means passing fewer than three stools a week or having a difficult time passing stool. Constipation is fairly common. A lack of dietary fiber, fluids and exercise can cause constipation. Reason of constipation        .................. • Refined grains. Foods that contain refined flours, such as white bread, pizza dough, cakes, and baked goods, are all low in fiber. ... • Salty snacks. ... • Garlic and onions. ... • Whole wheat, barley, or rye. ... • Eggs and other allergens. ... • Milk and dairy products. • Refind sugar and its products.......  • All type animals products  • The biggest cause of constipation is late night dinner! • Dinner eaten late at night is not digested.  That food rots in the stomach. AYURVEDIC REMEDIES         ................ Dinner shoul


         SOAKING OVERNIGHT                BENIFITS                 ..............  The overnight soak involves covering beans with a few inches of water and leaving them on the counter. Soaking some foods in water overnight before eating can provide some additional benefits. Know how. To enhance the nutritional value of certain foods and reduce their heat, soaking them in water is recommended. This practice can also protect the stomach from various issues and provide numerous benefits to the body.        SOAKING EFFECTS            ............. Every dry fruit, pulses and millets contain  Anti nutrients. In other language you can call them toxins.  Which protects the nucleus of dry fruits. To activate its nutrition, it is necessary to soak it in water overnight. Soaking process led to an increase in the hydration coefficient, seed weight, total protein, ash, fat, fiber, while non protein nitrogen, total carbohydrates, starch, stachyose, raffinose, reducing sugars, and minerals (except


                 What is life     ......... Life is a quality that distinguishes matter that has biological processes, such as signaling and self-sustaining processes, from matter that does not, and is defined descriptively by the capacity for homeostasis, organisation, metabolism, growth, adaptation, response to stimuli, and reproduction.  Life is the aspect of existence that processes, acts, reacts, evaluates, and evolves through growth (reproduction and metabolism). The crucial difference between life and non-life (or non-living things) is that life uses energy for physical and conscious development.           Why live life                ........... We live because there are people who love us, and people we love back. We live because we want to find out things, and learn, and become able to do things that we would like to do. We live because others want us to, and we want them to live along with us. We live because we have hope, and want to see what happens next. Life processes: T