
Showing posts from February, 2024


               CONSTIPATION Stomach problems          ......... Constipation is a condition in which a person has uncomfortable or infrequent bowel movements Constipation is a problem with passing stool. Constipation generally means passing fewer than three stools a week or having a difficult time passing stool. Constipation is fairly common. A lack of dietary fiber, fluids and exercise can cause constipation. Reason of constipation        .................. • Refined grains. Foods that contain refined flours, such as white bread, pizza dough, cakes, and baked goods, are all low in fiber. ... • Salty snacks. ... • Garlic and onions. ... • Whole wheat, barley, or rye. ... • Eggs and other allergens. ... • Milk and dairy products. • Refind sugar and its products.......  • All type animals products  • The biggest cause of constipation is late night dinner! • Dinner eaten late at night is not digested.  That food rots in the stomach. AYURVEDIC REMEDIES         ................ Dinner shoul


         SOAKING OVERNIGHT                BENIFITS                 ..............  The overnight soak involves covering beans with a few inches of water and leaving them on the counter. Soaking some foods in water overnight before eating can provide some additional benefits. Know how. To enhance the nutritional value of certain foods and reduce their heat, soaking them in water is recommended. This practice can also protect the stomach from various issues and provide numerous benefits to the body.        SOAKING EFFECTS            ............. Every dry fruit, pulses and millets contain  Anti nutrients. In other language you can call them toxins.  Which protects the nucleus of dry fruits. To activate its nutrition, it is necessary to soak it in water overnight. Soaking process led to an increase in the hydration coefficient, seed weight, total protein, ash, fat, fiber, while non protein nitrogen, total carbohydrates, starch, stachyose, raffinose, reducing sugars, and minerals (except