Seed is the form of reproduction for plants .
It is a small structure that contains everything needed to give rise for a New plant .
Within its lies the plants embryo as well as the nutrients necessary for its initial growth .
When a seed falls in a suitable place
It germinates and begins to develop
Sending roots in to the soil and sprouting upward to become a full grown plant .
So seeds are vital for survival and growth of the plants.
As they allow for the dispersal and propagation of species in different environments .
WHY soaking is necessary
Soaking grains can help improve their digestibility and nutrient absorption. Soaking also breaks down phytic acid and reduces cooking time. Rinse soaked grains thoroughly before cooking to remove any debris or impurities.
Soaking has been a method used for centuries by indigenous populations all over the world. Our ancestors may not have known the biochemical reasons for why it was beneficial, but they continued to soak their nuts, seeds, beans and grains to avoid deficiencies and to improve the digestion of these foods.
Seeds have stored energy in the form of starch which feeds them until the leaves can begin the process of photosynthesis. In some ways they can be compared to batteries, holding energy until it is needed.
Energy is present in concentrated form inside any seed.
Our body cannot handle concentrated energy.
Our body cannot digest that energy.
If you take concentrator energy ,in the form of seeds ,it will cause a lot of problems to your body.
The bacteria in your body should be able to properly break down your food, but sometimes high-fiber foods are especially difficult to digest. Corn, carrots, cereal, seeds, and nuts are among the most common culprits as the starches in these foods can be difficult to digest.
Due to which gas is formed in the stomach, the stomach remains bloated. Nothing gets digest.
Seeds often pass from the stomach undigested. This happens because most of the raw seeds contain phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of other essential minerals. Do not consume raw seeds rather soak them before eating. Yes, you read it right, our body cannot digest fiber, soluble or insoluble
Any seed has to be brought into soluble form first.Our body can consume only soluble form of energy.
If you soak any seed overnight, it becomes soluble form which the body can easily digest.
My experience....
Our ancestors used to soak the wheat for 2 hours and then dry it in the sun and then make flour from it.
At that time, everyone used to eat roti with pickle. They used to eat it with salt and vegetables. They used to eat dry roti by putting it in milk, but nothing happened.
At that time, roti was so common that everyone ate roti. No one had any problem. Why do you also have so many problems?
Because we do not bring the concentrated energy of wheat in soluble form.means
Meaning we have stopped washing and soaking the wheat and then drying it. We grind it directly and that is why so many problems arise.
Wheat is most prevalent in North India.
How many people in North India are getting cancer, beyond our calculation?
Because they stopped washing the wheat, drying it and grinding it into flour.Eating the concentrated energy present in wheat without taking it in soluble form will cause thousands of stomach problems.
This is the expression of my 40 years that man is leaving his own civilization and culture and is running after Western civilization and culture. What has he achieved?
Thousands of diseases, loneliness and addiction.
There is no trace of peace of mind, happiness of mind, or stability of mind.
The condition of the modern world has now become like this.
The crow started walking like a swan and forgot his own way.
Your smile is our moto
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